McFly featuring Taio Cruz - 'Shine A Light'

U must hear this song suaranya bagus ahaa bagus banget kalau punya waktu mau cover lagu ini :D eh iyah kemaren waktu jalanjalan nyobain MAC mantep bngt webcamnya :O *meler asik buat youtubing hehe :D  tapi kalo minta ga bakal di beliin :O *blahblahblah so i put the lyric here :) beautiful song :*

Tell me are you feeling strong
strong enough to love someone
and make it through the hardest storm
and bad weather
… from the flames
Hold me till I feel no pain
and give me shelter from the rain
for ever
Yeah, can I find her
She took the light and left me in the dark, eh
She left me with a broken heart, eh
Now I’m on my own
If anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh)
If anybody sees her
Tell me can you hear my voice
loud and clear above the noise
Even if I had the choice
I would not give up
I can not find her
She took the light and left me in the dark, eh
She left me with a broken heart, eh
Now I’m on my own
If anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh)
If anybody sees her
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh)
If anybody sees her
She took the light and left me in the dark, eh
She left me with a broken heart, eh
Now I’m on my own
If anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh)
If anybody sees her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh, eh)
Shine a light on her (eh, eh)
If anybody sees her.

Flashback off this week

Akhirnya bisa jalanjalan lagi sama tementemen :) setelah sekian lama harus stuck sama pelajaran dan guruguru yang gak bosanbosan buat ngasih setumpuk tugas :O , ahaha tapi gapapa lah yang penting di bawa happy aja toh cuma 3 tahun lagi bakal ngerasain ini,
Iyaiya bulan ini banyak banget pengalaman baru yang harus aku hadapi , waktu abis kecelakaan aku kan dianter berangkatnya eh jadinya telat terus dapet semprot dari Voldemort Ciuh kaya dianya ga pernah telat aja somse!!! selain itu juga bentar lagi bakal maju lomba LCC di tingkat provinsi, belum juga belajar buat seleksi Olimpiade Kebumian , Ditawari ikut Story Telling Arghh capek kadang yang kita dapatkan memng bukanlah yang kita inginkan, karena Allah tau yang kita butuhkan bukan yang kita inginkan Amin :)
Belum lagi seleksi AFS yang belum punya persiapan, I really want this thing red:AFS
Belum juga proposal buat lomba poster contest ya Ampun there are so many thing i need to do :O, Garagara kemarin kecelakaan 3 hari jadi ga bisa ngapangapain semua kerjaan terbengkalai :O, Yang penting kemaren udah bisa jalan bareng lagi sama tementemen :D beli novel import baru, makan bareng tementemen plus hunting film , mungkin merupakan sebuah pelampiasan atas semua pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan, abis ini mau nyiapin olim, buat proposal, belajar UUD, ma persiapan AFS ga lupa penjurusan Ahaaha terlihat bagus :D see you at the next post :*
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